主持与参与的科研项目: 安徽省高校自然科学研究重点项目(KJ2021A0108),在研,主持。 安徽师范大学博士科研启动基金项目,在研,主持。 高等学校省级质量工程教学研究重大项目(2022jyxm540),在研,参与。 国家社会科学基金西部项目(19XSH016),结项,参与。 代表性研究论文: (#共同一作) Zheng, X., Liu, Z., Liu, T., (通讯作者) & Mu, S. (2025). Childhood maltreatment and non-suicidal self-injury among Chinese college students: Roles of parent-child attachment and negative co-rumination. Journal of Family Violence. In press. Liu, T., Liu, Z., Zhang, L. & Mu, S. (2024). Longitudinal associations between conscientiousness, dispositional mindfulness, and anxiety and depression in Chinese adolescents. Current Psychology, 43(13), 11604–11615. Zhang, J., Deng, H., Liu, T., & Mu, S. (2023). Self-experience consistency and life satisfaction: The mediating role of the need for relatedness and the moderating role of Zhong-yong thinking. Humanities and Social Sciences Communications, 10(1), 334. Liu, T.#, Liu, Z.#, Zhang, L. & Mu, S. (2022). Dispositional mindfulness mediates the relationship between conscientiousness and mental health-related issues in adolescents during the COVID-19 pandemic. Personality and Individual Differences, 184, 111223. 刘田田, 李燕, 李有嘉, 姜新苗. (2021). 父母协同教养与学前儿童社会行为的关系: 亲子关系和同胞关系的链式中介作用. 心理发展与教育, 37(5), 638–647. Liu, Z., Liu, T., & Mu, S. (2021). Gender differences in the effects of competition and cooperation on risk‐taking under ambiguity. Psych Journal, 10(3), 374–383. Liu, Z., Liu, T., & Li, Y. (2021). How does social competition affect true and false recognition?. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 28(1), 292–303. Zhang, M.#, Liu, T.#, Jin, Y., He, W., Huang, Y., & Luo. W. (2019). The asynchronous influence of facial expressions on bodily expressions. Acta Psychologica, 200, 102941. 张珂烨, 张明明, 刘田田, 罗文波, 何蔚祺. (2019). 肢体识别的倒置效应.心理科学进展, 27(1), 27–36. Liu, Z.#, Liu, T.#, & Mu, S. (2017). Mental accounting in decision-making for self versus others. Journal of Neuroscience, Psychology & Economics, 10(2 & 3), 81–94. 张明明, 刘田田, 任杰, 余益兵, 何华敏, 贺伟婕, 罗文波. (2017). 喜极而泣—积极情绪的二态表达. 心理科学, 40(3), 565–571. Liu, T., Mu, S., He, H., Zhang, L., Fan, C., & Ren, J., Zhang, M., He, W., & Luo, W. (2016). The N170 component is sensitive to face-like stimuli: A study of Chinese Peking opera makeup. Cognitive Neurodynamics, 10, 535–541. |